JACK FELMAN Jack Felman is a general practitioner practicing in Melbourne. He has been writing and performing comedy for 30 years. 20 years ago he created the Buba, the Jewish grandmother, a character who is well known to Melbourne audiences and has now hit the Sydney scene. In recent years Jack has created a new character, - the Jewish grandfather, Zaida Velvel, a Holocaust survivor, that Jack presents his latest work based on personal experiences and stories gleaned from many other survivors and their children. |
LENA FISZMAN Lena is a professional actress of many years standing and also a founding member of the highly successful comedy cabaret group The Hot Bagels which appeared throughout Australia and the US in cabarets, theatres and on TV. |
ALLEN BROSTEK Allen is a chartered accountant in real life and has previously performed in Purim speils. He has often utilised humour as an outlet for his experiences in dealing with the ups and downs of growing up in a Holocaust survivor household and believes that the play mirrors various experiences of many children of survivors. |